Alumna Noor Ghazi Appointed as PCS Visiting Scholar

Posted on November 28, 2019

Noor Ghazi

The UNCG Department of Peace and Conflict Studies welcomes Noor Ghazi as a Visiting Scholar. Ms. Ghazi is an alumna of the Peace and Conflict Studies MA program, the former Coordinator of the Global Leadership Program at UNCG, a war refugee, and a self-described peace activist.

Ms. Ghazi writes,

“I realized that without education, returning home will not contribute to rebuilding. That’s why I decided to continue my higher education with Peace and Conflict studies which helped me understand how to build peace personally, locally and internationally.” 

As a Visiting Scholar, Ms. Ghazi will work with the Ministry of Higher Education of Iraq, her native country, to implement the teaching of peace and conflict studies at universities in Iraq. Ms. Ghazi’s scholarship and community engagement activities are also reflected in her work of translating important books in the discipline of peace and conflict studies into Arabic. She recently has been hired to translate the work of John Paul Lederach, one of the leading figures in the field.

Other projects on Ms. Ghazi’s plate are the completion of her own book, provisionally titled “To Baghdad We Shall Return,” in which she relates her own autobiographical experiences in relation to war and displacement, while drawing upon insights gained by studying peace and conflict studies. 

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