Alumna Tori Crook Pursues Justice, Compassion, and Peace

Posted on December 11, 2020

Alumna Tori Crook

By Tori Crook

A brief statement on my PCS experience. 

When I was first introduced to the Department of Peace and Conflict studies as a freshman at the University of North Carolina Greensboro (UNCG), I was instantly drawn to it. The field was new to me, but encapsulated everything I cared about and was interested in; justice, compassion, meaningful avenues of peace, and the drive to better our world.

The UNCG PCS department has prepared me in ways I never imagined possible, with career paths I never would have put myself in. It gave me skills to deal with conflict on a personal level, as well as public and department levels.

Since graduating from UNCG and the PCS department in the Spring of 2019, I have gone on to intern with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and Baptist World Alliance at the United Nations in New York City and started a Master of Divinity Program at Yale Divinity School with hopes of serving in the field of ministry.

With each new adventure, I am confident in my skills of communication and understanding due to the skills, on-hands learning, mentorship, and relationships that I developed through the PCS department.

I believe that it can prepare anyone for any job or field they wish to enter, by giving real skills that are adaptable to every circumstance, opportunities to grow both personally and professionally, and by building upon the uniqueness everyone possesses when they enter the program.

I would not be where I am today, or who I am today without this incredible department, professors, and friends. 

Tori Crook

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