Featured Stories

  • Peace and Conflict Studies Faculty Roll Out Major Publications

    Peace and Conflict Studies Faculty Roll Out Major Publications

    Peace and Conflict Studies faculty Ali Askerov, Jeremy Rinker, Geneviève Souillac, and Douglas P. Fry are happy to announce recent publications. Articles and books by other PCS faculty also are in the works. 

  • Noor Ghazi Translates “Preparing for Peace” into Arabic

    Noor Ghazi Translates “Preparing for Peace” into Arabic

    Noor Ghazi is a Peace activist and a Graduate of the Peace and Conflict Studies Masters Program. She is currently an Arabic lecturer in the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, as well as an instructor of Arabic and Humanities at Durham Technical Community College. 

  • Alumna Tori Crook Pursues Justice, Compassion, and Peace

    Alumna Tori Crook Pursues Justice, Compassion, and Peace

    When I was first introduced to the Department of Peace and Conflict studies as a freshman at the University of North Carolina Greensboro (UNCG), I was instantly drawn to it. The field was new to me, but encapsulated everything I cared about and was interested in; justice, compassion, meaningful avenues of peace, and the drive…

  • Student Perspectives Series: Dorothy Kennedy and Justin Hunt

    Student Perspectives Series: Dorothy Kennedy and Justin Hunt

    By Lindsay Jamerson The Peace and Conflict Studies Department facilitates learning for many types of students with diverse interests and professional goals. This series continues with a focus on Dorothy Kennedy and Justin Hunt.  Lindsay: Did you always want to work in peace? Dorothy: Yes and no. I always knew … Continued

  • New Administrative Support Specialist Joins PCS Department

    New Administrative Support Specialist Joins PCS Department

    The Peace and Conflict Studies Department welcomes Danielle Salvatore who joins as the new Administrative Support Specialist. Danielle graduated from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and International & Global Studies with a concentration in Human Rights. Additionally, she completed a minor in Peace and Conflict Studies,…

  • Student Perspectives Series: CaTerra Townsend

    Student Perspectives Series: CaTerra Townsend

    By Dorothy Kennedy CaTerra Townsend is a member of the graduating class of 2021, and current President of the new PCS student organization called C.O.N.F.L.I.C.T Alliance. I recently had a chance to ask her some questions about how she views Peace and Conflict studies. DK: Why did you choose UNCG? … Continued

  • PCS Student Group, C.O.N.F.L.I.C.T. Alliance, is Formed

    PCS Student Group, C.O.N.F.L.I.C.T. Alliance, is Formed

    Hold on to your seats, there’s a new student organization in town and it is changing the game. Most student organizations find roots in either academia or community engagement, but the new Peace and Conflict Studies student organization, aptly named C.O.N.F.L.I.C.T. Alliance, is grounded in the power of relationships.

  • Student Perspective Series: Chantay Benshimon

    Student Perspective Series: Chantay Benshimon

    The Peace and Conflict Studies Department facilitates learning for many types of students with diverse interests and professional goals. This series introduces the perspectives of students in the online and residential undergraduate programs. Chantay Benshimon is a member of the online graduating class of 2020.

  • Dr. Jeremy Rinker Presents on “Religion and Peace: Global Perspectives and Possibilities” in Ohio

    Dr. Jeremy Rinker Presents on “Religion and Peace: Global Perspectives and Possibilities” in Ohio

    Dr. Jeremy Rinker, Assistant Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Peace and Conflict Studies, presented an invited paper at Ohio University’s Baker Peace Conference in February. The Baker Peace Conference is an annual event that brings together a diverse group of leading experts to discuss a significant national or international issue…

  • Peace and Conflict Studies Hosts Fulbright Scholar

    Peace and Conflict Studies Hosts Fulbright Scholar

    The Department of Peace and Conflict Studies is pleased to host Dr. Shona Munro of the Royal New Zealand Police College as a visiting Fulbright Scholar during the Fall of 2020. Dr. Munro’s visit is the latest development from interdisciplinary research programs led by Drs. Emily Janke and Jeremy Rinker … Continued